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    Events of our customers that have been entrusted to us!

    Mediamorfosis 2021

    Client: Mediamorfosis 2021

    Mediamorfosis is the most important meeting of new narratives in Latin America that generates instances of exhibition, industry and content formation linked to the evolution of new media.

    Mediamorfosis has become the unavoidable annual event for the Latin American XR community that drives the industry, offering a multitude of opportunities, fostering links between artists and investors, supporting the creation of works and their internationalization.


    Why b.square?

    Mediamorfosis is taking advantage of the b.square capabilities for promoting the new media industry and the dissemination of Latin American talents and the generation of commercial agreements through alliances with production houses, public and private institutions, and festivals around the world.
    For this virtual edition, and thanks to the b.square Platform, Mediamorfosis will allow 10 projects selected from the Pitch Workshop to hold one-to-one meetings with key agents of the international XR ecosystem, presenting their projects with the aim of obtaining financing and comments that will make them grow and get better.


    b.square is
    b.square is a Risolviamo tool

    risolviamo s.r.l. company register of Turin
    number TO-1010887 paid-in capital € 10.000,00

    corso trieste, 23 - turin - italy
    corso duca degli abruzzi, 34 bis - turin - italy
    via copernico, 38 - milan - italy

    phone +39 011 5625601
    fax +39 011 19790869